Space Bar (2013)


Space bar is unique as it is the longest key on a typewriter or computer keyboard, used to make space between words, and thus to make words meaningful. The space between words that works as the space between humans is now open for manipulation. Two new creations will be presented to you.

Two new creations will be presented to you; Safe Distance by Mak Foong Ming and Belonging by Leng Poh Gee.

Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:LAPAR Lab
  • Pengarah Seni / Kurator / Koordinator Program:Leng Poh Gee
  • Tarikh:2-4 August 2013
  • Jumlah Pementasan:3
  • Tempat Pementasan:DPAC
  • Negeri:Selangor

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:Safe Distance
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    We keep safe distance in our interpersonal relationships, both with the close ones and the unfamiliar ones. Safe distance bonds our interactive connection in harmony and calm. Once we breached the safe distance, conflicts will happen, and the psychological self-defensiveness will be generated to cause fights…

  • Koreografer:Mak Foong Ming
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Chow Yong Shuang, Kyo Hong Xi Fan, Lim Siew Ling, Leo Yap Chee Yee, Tan Shioa Por
  • Komposer:John Siew Yi Sung
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Soundscape Designer: John Siew Yi Sung

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Belonging
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    In the environment that has just experienced changes, people are particularly keen in condemnation. Somehow, people still manage to get simple happiness in within and always pray for the best for this homeland. Fragments of emotion are connected through familiar folk and pop songs, as to narrate the space of belonging.

  • Koreografer:Leng Poh Gee
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Chow Yong Shuang, Kyo Hong Xi Fan, Lim Hooi Ming, Lim Siew Ling, Leo Yap Chee Yee, Matt Tan Yeong Kiean, Tan Shioa Por
  • Komposer:Fan Zong-Pei
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Soundscape Designer: John Siew Yi Sung

    Musician: YinXia, Hua Er Yue Tuan


  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Tan Eng Heng
  • Krew Produksi:Lighting Operator: Eric Ng Goh Kwang; Sound Operator: Queency Manjalip
  • Penerbit:Tan Shioa Por, Lim Siew Ling
  • Pengurus Pentas:Adeline Chew Kai Min
  • Publisiti:Leo Yap Chee Yee, Kyo Hong Xi Fan
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Secretary: Chow Yong Shuang

    Treasurer: Lim Hooi Meng

    Sponsorship: Lim Hooi Meng

    Ticketing: Matt Tan Yeong Kiean

    Photographers: Wyman Wong, David Ngui

    Graphic Designer: Tan Shiao Por, Teoh Ssu Chern

    Front of House: Jack Lim Tau Chin, Chin Kwee Lin, Mee Mee Chang, Nancy Ng Pei Yu

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