Gelombang Baru (2013)


Gelombang Baru or New Wave is another annual choreography performance event that aims to identify and develop, educate as well as provide exposure to budding choreographers of Malaysia. ASWARA is committed to improving the standards of choreography and the professionalism in performing arts in the country.

The art and craft of choreography has infinite possibilities and young choreographers are encouraged to explore and create. This is the performance series that molded such incredible talents and Boh Cameronian Award-winning choreographers such as Aris Kadir, Shafirul Azmi Suhaimi and James Kan. Witness the mergence of new talent that will make a difference in the future

Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:ASWARA Dance Company
  • Pengarah Seni / Kurator / Koordinator Program:Joseph Gonzales
  • Tarikh:26-27 April 2013
  • Jumlah Pementasan:2
  • Tempat Pementasan:Experimental Theatre, ASWARA
  • Negeri:Kuala Lumpur

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:Tetamu Senja
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Inspire by the poem entitled Tetamu Senja by A. Samad Said, and using the concept of makyung where the peran tua calls out to the younger peran, the choreography explores the relationship between men and women.

  • Koreografer:Hazlami Harun
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Jabaar Laura, Azmie Zanal Abdden, Cheang Yee Ling, Woo Yan Teng, Macrecelly Michael, Siti Fatin Nadzirah, Nurfarahin Omar, Nadhirah Razid, Sabarin Baharom, Kimberly Yap
  • Komposer:Mohd Fared Ramli

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Malar
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Everyone is addicted to something which as a habit is often repeated… and there is a price we pay

  • Koreografer:Maria Devonne Escobia
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Sharm Noh, Mohd Affie Adut, Nadhirah Razid, Dalila Abd Samad, SyedHaziq Afiq Syed Huessein, Maria Devonne Escobia, Hong Xi Fan, Christine Chew.
  • Komposer:Olafur Amalds, xxyyxx & Dillon

Item #3

  • Tajuk:The Hunger
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This has been inspired by the movie The Hunger. Through this world, inner Feelings and conflicts between a man and women are explored. In the narrative of The movie, the women has to go off the war, fight for her life and determine her own fate but the man, although with good intentions, is determined to look after her.

  • Koreografer:Raziman Sarbini
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Murni Omar, Raziman Sarbini
  • Komposer:The Irrepressibles

Item #4

  • Tajuk:Choy Suey!
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Inspired by the art and process of cooking, the choreography explores and attempts to embody how the various ingredients might feel as they are chopped, minced, diced, marinated and fried!

  • Koreografer:Jabar Laura
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Yunus Ismail, Faillul Adam, Imran Syafiq Affandi, Izzazly Fikri Kamri, Affie Adut, Hong Xi Fan, Nazrin Manterang, Amirul Fahmi, Zalkarnain
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music: Psycho

Item #5

  • Tajuk:Antara Realiti II
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    We are under control

  • Koreografer:Fauzi Amirudin, Sufi Asyraf, Jazmi Jamal
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Fauzi Amirudin, Sufi Asyraf
  • Komposer:Jazmi Jamal
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Computer Design: Jazmi Jamal

Item #6

  • Tajuk:Skemrem
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Helmets are worn for safety… but some just wear it because it is the law.


  • Koreografer:Nadhirah Razid
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Jabar Laura, Izzazly Fikri Kamri, Nurhafizah Longkip, Sharm Noh, Christine, Raziman, Josephine, Maria, Angy Alley Robert, Min Qiong, Dalila, Kimberly
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music: Pan (Short Film), Cartoon (Dumb ways to die), Street Sound Effect

Item #7

  • Tajuk:Molecule
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This work uses the idea of the chemical elements and explores its energy through the human body. Molecules moves, decompose and are in a constant state of motion. This exploration is based on the water molecule comprising 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms

  • Koreografer:Chai Vivan
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:James Kan Che Wai, Hong Xi Fan, Affie Adut
  • Komposer:Ludorico Einaudi, Voafose

Item #8

  • Tajuk:Polis Entri
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Inspired by the children’s game of Police and thief, Polis entri is the way young Malay children pronounce it. The accompanying song lyrics are which ends 1 2 the Police die and the Thieves are alert! (1 2 jaga, Polis mati, pencuri jaga)

  • Koreografer:Mamad Haji Samsudin
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Muhammad Samsudin, Hasmizan Hamid, Christine hew, Imran Syafiq, Izzazly Fikti Kamri, Rabiatul Adawiah Abdul Wahid, Maria Devonne, Fauzi Amirudin, Azmie Zanal Abdden, Hadi Ruslan

Item #9

  • Tajuk:Tapak Asal
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Looking to return to the place or origin…

  • Koreografer:Azmie Zannal Abdden
  • Kategori:Contemporary

Item #10

  • Tajuk:Untitled
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Up to you…

  • Koreografer:Fauzi Amirudin
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Komposer:Coldplay

Item #11

  • Tajuk:D.I.D
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Human beings express themselves by doing different things…

  • Koreografer:Syamsudin Noh
  • Kategori:Contemporary

Item #12

  • Tajuk:Pictured
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    He pictured me….

  • Koreografer:Christine Chew
  • Kategori:Contemporary

Item #13

  • Tajuk:Desire
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A one night stand…

  • Koreografer:Nur Hafizah binti Longkip @ Thomas
  • Kategori:Contemporary


  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Alloy Azzaly, Adieka Zainal, Yusmar Affendi
  • Krew Produksi:Techical: ASWARA; Audio: Marrulhuda Mawardi, Mohd Zarif Salehudin
  • Pengurus Produksi:Joseph Gonzales
  • Pengurus Pentas:Hazra Ghazaly; Assistant: Murni Omar, Hasmizan Abdul Hamid
  • Publisiti:Norbaizura Abd Ghani, Mohd Nur Faillul Adam,
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Production Coordinators: Shaiful Izham Abdul Baseht, Yatini Kamit, Norasfini Jafa, Mohd Nur Faillul Adam, Mohd Yunus Ismail, Norbaizura Abd Ghani

    Production Committee: Datin Marion D’Cruz, Wong Kit Yaw, Hajijah Yaacob, Mohd Seth Hamzah, Umesh Shetty,

    Front of House: Ismadian Ismail, Mohd Arif Nazri Samsudin

    Program Book: Joseph Gonzales, Norsafini Jafar, Mohd Nur Faillul Adam

    Runner: Hadi Ruslan, Amirul Fahmi, Mohd Azli, Mohd Azfar, Mohd Afif, Harlina, Farhana, Jennifer, Shahliza

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