Qiu Si Dance Collection 秋思 舞影集 (1988)


Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:Presented by Foon Yew Alumni Association Dance Troupe 新山宽柔校友会舞蹈团 呈现; Co-organised by Pertubuhan Hui Yin Seh and Alumni Association of Penang Convent Datuk Keramat 槟城慧音社、槟城修道院校友会 联合主办
  • Pengarah Seni / Kurator / Koordinator Program:陳清水 Charlie Tan,陳玉梅 Chen Yu Mei
  • Tarikh:22 – 23 December 1988
  • Jumlah Pementasan:2; NB: A total of 10 individual pieces were performed.
  • Tempat Pementasan:Dewan Sri Pinang 槟州大会堂
  • Negeri:Kedah

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:Lin Chong Xiu Qi 林冲休妻
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Lin Chong, one of the 108 heroes in the Water Margin, was demoted to the frontier because of his mistakes. On the way to the frontier, he couldn’t help but recall the moving scene of his helpless divorce from his wife.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Hong Lou Meng (Dai Yu Zhi Si) 紅樓夢(黛玉之死)
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The piece describes the failing of Dai Yu at the Grand View Garden, depicting her self-sorrow and self-pity, and also plot about her devastated feeling on Bao Yu’s re-marriage. The piece also depicts Bao Yu’s infatuation and Wang Xi Feng’s manipulation of power that caused Bao Yu and Bao Chai‘s marriage, that brought tragedy. | 描述黛玉進府至稿之大觀園人事沒落,刻劃黛玉寄人籬下自哀自憐的心境及驚聞寶玉移情他娶至死之哀痛情節,劇中也刻劃寶玉之痴情,王熙鳳之弄權,擺佈寶玉與寶釵成婚而酿成悲劇。

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama

Item #3

  • Tajuk:Bi Jiu 逼酒
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    When Fa Hai discovered the relationship between Bai Niang Niang and Xu Xian, he was very angry and decided to destroy it. Casting the spell prompted Xu Xian to let Bai Niang Niang drink realgar wine and forced her snake body appeared. It depicts the ruthlessness of Fa Hai, the affection of Bai Niang Niang, and the cowardice of Xu Xian.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama

Item #4

  • Tajuk:Xin Gua Bei Qiu 新寡悲秋
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    “Sorrow on your deceased, why leave me alone? May you fly here and lead me back by the wind.” The deserted mounds, dead branches, fallen leaves, and desolate wind constitute a desolate color of the wilderness. Taking the miserable emotions of a newlywed woman losing her husband as a starting point, she conceives a moving scene that includes her tragic husband, encounters ghosts, their past, and the separation, a true love story.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance

Item #5

  • Tajuk:Fan Tan Pi Pa Ji Yue Tian 反彈琵琶伎樂天
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Dun Huang mural depicting thousands of gestures, and a pipa rebounding, telling the misty wonderland. The dance is taken from Dun Huang themes, showing the Dun Huang dance posture, singing leading the flying fairyland, and composing the rebounding pipa to pass the lotto.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Dun Huang dance, Chinese dance

Item #6

  • Tajuk:Tu Wei 突圍
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Once the country and the nation are attacked, peace and freedom will be endangered. The patriotic youth shall break through at all costs, do not afraid of bloodshed, in exchange for freedom! !


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu

Item #7

  • Tajuk:Yang Ge 秧歌
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    With the music background of “Ma Che Fu Zhi Lian” and “Feng Yang Flower Drum”, it is an attempt to arouse people’s nostalgia and gratitude for the predecessors who planted trees and the shade of future generations.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance

Item #8

  • Tajuk:Fei Tian 飛天
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This is a duet with the graceful Dun Huang dance movements, expressing the leisurely life of flying fairies.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance, Dun Huang dance

Item #9

  • Tajuk:Shen Gong Yuan 深宮怨
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Taken from the Chang Hen Ge’s theme “three thousand beauties in the harem, three thousand beloved in one body” describe the obverse mood of the beauties from the harem. Describe the loneliness and helplessness of “life married to rich family deep as the sea”, it turns into describing the numbness and dazedness, until one turns white hair.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance

Item #10

  • Tajuk:Qiu Jin 秋瑾
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A heroine who only fought for the nation and the country in her life. In the chaotic time of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, she dedicated her life to save the country. Her heroic deeds and her spirit is shown in her loving of the country and the people over her love of her family. Until today, it is still praised by the world.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance


  • Pereka Tatacahaya:[Lighting Director] (Guest) 燈光主任(客卿):朱芳材 / 程福隆
  • Pereka Set:黃結游 Wong Kit Yaw / 陳正昌
  • Krew Produksi:[Front of House] 前台:張彬聖,許素心; [Backstage} 後台:施金木,曾昭成
  • Penerbit:[Chairman] 主席:邱素蓉,莊耿康
  • Pengurus Produksi:General Affair] 總務:彭春松,江陳映雲; [Team Leader] 总領隊:拿督蕭光麟醫學博士
  • Pengurus Pentas:[Stage Manager] 舞台監督:陳玩全; [Backstage Director] 後台主任:陳俊發
  • Publisiti:魏筱川,雷翠梅
  • Nota Tambahan:

    [Main dancer performer] 主要舞蹈演員:謝素溜,馬金泉 Anthony Meh,陳英梅,李劲江,黎玉珊,黃福發,鄭桂秋,鄭詩青,蔡運賢 Chau Yan Sung ,張俊傑。

    [Dancer] 舞蹈員:紀曉蕊,楊慧俐,張傢強,黃玉娥,邢福萍,廖益林,羅桂湘,葉小玲,馬錦發,邱玉蓮,彭秀蘭,葉家賢,李明慧,劉秀云,張铮敏,馬淑芬,鄭紫秋,羅慧文,溫淑惠,葉新偉,許惠珠,陳奕璇,區玉秋,吳慧燕,鍾梅真,陳孟云,陳美鳳,陳雪英。

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