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Investigating Circulations: The Folly of [Art] Bottom-lines and Number-crunching
The relatively cent ruckus over how the latest Social Weather Station (SWS) figures indicate that…
Bebas Dari Onani
It is easier to dominate someone if they are unaware of being dominated. Colonised and…
Puffy face. Heavy eyebrows. Bushy moustache. Black turban inscribed with sacred words in Arabic calligraphy.…
Sarong Party Beruk
Kehidupan dunia moden semakin mengasak kita. Mata kita akan terus dikelilingi oleh imej, gambar, ikon,…
Yang Berat Dan Yang Hitam
Tahun 2005 berakhir dengan nota yang kurang menyenangkan. Apa yang saya maksudkan ini bukan kerana…
Spongy Minds
In the last 20 years, this country has seen the rise in the number of…
Trust Me
(Ir)reversible Déjà vu I used to spend weekend mornings in Singapore with a friend, Lee…
Unsur-unsur Seram dan Semiotik
Menonton filem ini seperti membaca buku. Kita perlu mengetahui nahu dan hukum-hukum filem untuk menikmati…
The Blistering Whoosh of Oblivion
Artifacts are old things, often kept in the museums, cataloged, analyzed, debated, regularly served to…
Of Space and 17,000 Islands
“…a girdle of emeralds on the equator” – Multatuli (1820-1887) A metaphor may beguile, even…
Mat Salleh and the Temple of Brown
Getting Lost You may recall that two weeks ago I had the pleasure of reviewing…
The Battle for Time and Space in Malaysia’s Narrowing Society
‘Power’ is not, and should not, be understood in a purely abstract sense. For ‘Power’…
The Immortals
When wandering through the labyrinthine extents of ancient monuments, wonders of the world and so…
Filem Tempang ke Rotterdam
Filem Independen lstilah ‘Filem independen’ diwujudkan di Amerika pada tahun 1980an untuk merujuk kepada filem…
Mud and Makan
Last month I was hanging out at Kafe Lidiana, one of my favorite nasi melayu…
Of Hope, Faith, and Frailty
At the calendar’s last page lies our primary question: is hope ever possible? Each December…
The Age of Disposable Cool
Some midget in dark-rimmed glasses trotted up to me one day. “Hey Pete,” she growled.…
What’s with Malays and Cats?
In the 80’s and early 90’s, both Malay as well as English programmes were screened…
Nakhoda Tergoda
Katakanlah, pameran Bakat Muda Sezaman, macam nyanyian merdu dewi laut itu. Kerana tidak mahu tergoda,…
Mitos Peribumi Alim
By MR Al-Mustaqeem Dan berkatalah salah seorang (intelektual?) negara kita, bahawa siapa sahaja yang mempertikaikan…
Tetek Besar, Pantat Lebar
Sebelum diterbitkan di Beijing, penerbit Mo Yan, penulis novel Red Sorghum yang difilemkan dengan arahan…
Bukan Budaya Kita
“Bukan budaya kita.” It’s a phrase that crops up in the oddest of places. A…
Moraliti Fantasia
Bukan untuk siapa saja, rasa meluat dan menyampah tengok Akademi Fantasia. Banyak hal yang menjengkel…
Crawling Toward 2020
“My dynamite will sooner lead to peace than a thousand world conventions. As soon as…