Remember/Rebel (2008)


The two works in this show revolve around how we as individuals, as well as dancers, place ourselves in relation to the future and the past. The works intertwine the deep traditions of dance, and the technique and discipline required to master them, with the joy of moving into realms unknown.

Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:Balletbase
  • Tarikh:11-13 July 2008
  • Jumlah Pementasan:3
  • Tempat Pementasan:Fonteyn Studio Theatre
  • Negeri:Selangor

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:River of Memory
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Drink of Mnemosyne, river of memory, and recall you life: its halcyon days, nostalgia for triumph, and the bitterness of regret. Drink of Lethe, river of forgetting, and sink into the relief of oblivion.

  • Koreografer:Bilqis Hijjas
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Regina Toyad, Denise Tan, Tara Thean Mei Feng, Yuka Tanaka, Janice Yong, Bilqis Hijjas
  • Komposer:Michael Nyman, Franco Battiato, The Flaming Lips, Béla Fleck

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Rebel Without A Cause?
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    When the monotonous routine of an existing condition keeps repeating itself, one wearies of its unvarying repetitive pattern and breaks away from the discipline. Something new and radical evolves. There is no escape from confinement, but now the rebel has a cause.

  • Koreografer:Rathimala Govindarajoo
  • Kategori:Contemporary
  • Penari:Suhaili Micheline binti Ahmad Kamil, Rathimala Govindarajoo
  • Komposer:Mukul – originally made for a work by Russel Malliphant called Choice
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Projection Design: Jueny


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