The Dancing Time (1988)


Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:The Kuching Ballet Academy
  • Tarikh:7 – 9 July 1988
  • Jumlah Pementasan:3; NB: A total of 15 individual pieces were performed.
  • Tempat Pementasan:St. Terasa School Hall
  • Negeri:Sarawak

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:We Build The City 我們建造了這座城市
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This is a jazz ballet. The step vary. They combine classical ballet, jazz as well as a variety of the modern dancing. This dance is well-liked by audience of different ages.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Jazz ballet
  • Penari:Tan Wan Lee, Lee Swee Yian, ALvina loke, Goh Siaw cHia, Chan Lay Na, Laura Lim, Yong Hui Tze, Anita Lim, MAgdeline Wee, Karen Tan, Laura Hartini, Chew Ta Hua, MAurice, Yap Siew Hong.
  • Komposer:Starship

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Returning Home 回娘家
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A bride is returning home to visit her parents. She dances happily all the way, oblivious of her surroundings in a hurry to reach home. The bride in this dance is accompanied by a group of young friends.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee, Lim Yang Hong
  • Penari:Alicia Yu, Fiona Wong, Lo pay Yng, Caroline Sim, Tay Hsiao Ying, Ong Chin Siew Candida Foo, Evengeline Chong, Chen Sze Tyng, Bong Jak Lui.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Pianist: Tan Wan Lee
    Song Sung by: Dancers of the Academy

Item #3

  • Tajuk:CZARDAS 獨舞:土風舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    From the famous ballet “Coppelia” by Delibes. A solo performed at SWinda’s wedding.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Ballet
  • Penari:Tan Wan Lee
  • Komposer:Delibes
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Pianist: Tan Wan Lee
    Song Sung by: Dancers of the Academy

Item #4

  • Tajuk:Scottish Dance 蘇格闌舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A Scottish folk dance. The music is cheerful & the dance steps are simple but vary in many formations.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Scottish folk dance
  • Penari:Lim Swee Yian, Eevnlyn Loi, Tay Poy Miang, Tan Kuan Hui, Lily Tan, Anita Lim, Chen Sze Nee, Lim Ming Mei, Choo Hui Shih.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Organ played by: Tan Wan Lee

Item #5

  • Tajuk:Ribbon Dance 紅綢舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Red Silk symbolises peace & prosperity. It is the best decorative naterial during festivals & New Year. The many patterns created by the Red Silk symbolises happiness & good fortune.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Tan Wan Lee, Chew Ta Hua, Yong Hin Tze, Freddif Choo, MAgdeline Wee.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music: Wong Cheng

Item #6

  • Tajuk:DO RE MI
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Based on one of the songs in the “Sound of Music”. This is a simple dance for the children. It aims at promoting children’s love and understanding of music.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:Alicia Yu, Evengelyn Chong, Tay Hsiao Ying, Bong Jak Lui, Lo Pay Yng, Ong Chin Siew, Candida Foo, Teo Yean Ling, Chen Tze Tyng, CHUng Yuen Ling, Chen Tze Tyng, Chung Yuen Ling, Caroline Sim, Susan Lam, Fiona Wong, Sim Lim Jo, Lim Yang Hong.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music from: “The Sound of Music”

Item #7

  • Tajuk:ONE 只選一位
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A dance company is giving an audition. Only the best Dancer will be selected to participate in the performance.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:Tan Wan Lee, Laura Hartini Maurice, Tay Poh Miang, Lily Tan, Yap Siew Hong, Chan Tze Nee, MAgdeline Wee, Goh Siaw Chia, Laura Lim, Anita Lim, Karen Tan.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Song by: “The Chorus Line”

Item #8

  • Tajuk:Seven Brids For Seven Brothers 七兄弟與七新娘
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    From movie “ Seven Brides For Seven Brothers”. In the village party, young men and women invite one another to dance. This dance is presented by seven couples.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee, Yong Hui Tze
  • Penari:Alvina Loke, Magdeline Wee, Chan Lay Na, Lily Tan, Laura Hartini Maurice, Goh Siaw Chia, Tay Pey Miang, Laure Lim, Chan Sze Nee, Chew Ta Hua, Then Pea Huang, Yap Siew Hong.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music form: “ Seven Brides For Seven Brothers”

Item #9

  • Tajuk:PAUST 浮士德
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A Florestan pa’s de daure from “Faust”.

  • Koreografer:Goh Soh Nee
  • Penari:Tan Wee Lee
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music : Gouned

Item #10

  • Tajuk:How Many Raindrops (Make A Storn)? 雨點有多少
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A children’s song, teaching the children how a storm is formed. In the dance, the children are playing in the rain.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:Lo Pay Yng, Fiona Wong, Tay Hsiao Ying, Evengelyn Chong, Candida Foo, Teo Yean Ling, Chen Sze Tyng, Chun Yuen Ling, Caroline Sim, Bong Jak Lui, Alicia Yu, Ong Chin Siew, Lim Yang Hong.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Pianist: Tan Wan Lee
    Song Sung by: KBA Dancers

Item #11

  • Tajuk:SingKian Dance 新彊舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This dance demonstrates the characters of the singkian people – lively, conrageous & joyous. This dance emphasizes on the movements of the heads and shoulders of the dancers & their tambourines.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Chinese folk dance, Xin Jiang dance
  • Penari:Tan Wan Lee, Magdeline Wee, Yap Siew Hong, Anita Lim, Alvina Loke, Laura Hartini, Maurice, Karen Tan, Chan Lay Na, Goh Siaw Chia, Yong Hui Tze, Laura Lim.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Pianist: Tan Wan Lee
    Song Sung by: KBA Dancers

Item #12

  • Tajuk:HELENA Polka 美國士風舞(帽子舞)
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This is an American folk dance in which in a group of girls dance with their beautiful hats. One of the  girls, in a bout of mischief, whisks away her companions’ hats & flings them away. The other girls catch up with her and do the same to her.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Kategori:Western folk dance
  • Penari:Gan Leh Chen, Ong Chin Siew, Sim Lin Jo, Then Pea Huang, Choo Hui Shih, Eevnlyn Loi, Susan Lam, Caroline Sim, Gillian Teo, Tan Kuan Hui, Wendy Teo, Davina, Chin Mui Kium, Lim Ming Mei, Delthine Tay Ming.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music by: Hal Leonard

Item #13

  • Tajuk:Getting To Know You 讓我們做朋友
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This is an extract from the famous musical “The King & I” by the late Yul Brynner & Deborah Kerr. The King of Siam engaged an English teacher from England to teach English to his many children. When she arrives at the Royal Court of Siam, she seems to be enjoying herself after getting acquainted with young Princes & Princesses.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:Alicia Yu, Nuzuraida Hj. Sophii, Lo Pay Yng, Melda Lee, Tay Hsiao Ying , Jennie Lau, Candida Foo, Fiona Wong, Chen Sze Tyng, Caroline Sim.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music: “The King & I”

Item #14

  • Tajuk:CONCERTO 協奏曲
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This dance is choreographed to the tune of the music. It requires skill, technique and agility. Concentration is essential for the dancers in order that the dance movements and music can become one.

  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:Tan Wan Lee, Laura Lim, Chan Lay Na, Laura Hartini, Yong Hui Tze, Alvina Loke, MAgdeline Wee.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    Music: Vivaldi

Item #15

  • Tajuk:CIRCUS
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The dancers imitate the action & movements of the characters & animals in a circus performance.

    1. Clown dance
    2. House dance
    3. Snake dance
    4. Dolls dance
    5. Gymnastic
    6. Penguin Dance
    8. Finale
  • Koreografer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Penari:1. Gan Leh Chen, Evenlyn Loi, Sim Lin Jo, Chen Sze Nee, Susan Lam, Lily Tan, Shoo Hui Shih, Tay Poy Miang, Chun Yuen Ling. 2. Caroline Sim, Chung Yuan Ling, Teo Yean ling, Lo Pay Yng, Ong Chin Siew, Candida Foo, Evengelyn Chong, Tay Hsiao Ying, Bong Jak Lui, Chen Tze Tyng, Fiona Wong, Alicia Yu, Lim Yang Hong. 3. Alvina Loke, Laura Hartini Maurice, Chan Lay Na, Lim Swee Yien, Yong Hui Tze, Then Pea Huang, MAgdeline Wee. 4. Chen Sze Nee, Lily Tan, Sim Lin Ju, Susan Lam, Then Pea Huang, Choo Hui Shih, Gan Leh Chen, Caroline Sim. 5. Alvina Loke, Evenlyn Loi, Chan Lay Na, Chen Tze Nee, Laura Hartini Maurice, Lily Tan, Yap Siew Hong. 6. Lim Swee Yian, Tay Roy Mieng, Evenlyn Loi, Lily Tan, Chen Sze Nee, Then Pea Huang. 7. Chan Lay Na 8. All dancers from the KBA.


  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Giam Ann Kee
  • Pereka Set:Chan Poh Boon
  • Penerbit:Tan Wan Lee
  • Pengurus Pentas:Choo Cheng Ngee, Goh Ek Soon
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Sound Operator: Chong Vui Tze, Voon Chang Liew
    Costume Designer: Tan Wan Lee
    Wardrobe: Fang Moi Kee, Loh Yam Gueh, Phang Chiew Liang
    Make-Up Artist: Chai Sze Lian, Deanna Chia