The Story Teller 有故事的人 (2016)
Follow one man’s journey as he confronts the unspoken truth that had shaped the lives of his family. As the monologue unfolds, we learn through the lens of each one of the family members, of the kind of power that the trauma has had over their emotional and psychological wellbeing.
- Penulis:Lim Chung Wei 林宗慰, Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍
- Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
- Tarikh:2016, November 24, 25 & December 10,11,15,16
- Jumlah Pementasan:6
- Tempat Pementasan:Sinkeh
- Bahasa:{post_terms_theatre_language}
- Harga Tiket:RM25
- Pengarah:Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍
- Pereka Tatacahaya:Alvie Cheng Chin Wei 程晉瑋
- Pelakon Utama:
Lim Chung Wei 林宗慰
- Pengarah Artistik:Chee Sek Thim 朱錫添
- Pengurus Pentas:Tan Hock Kheng 陳福慶